Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Settled :)

I am happy to report, that not only have I settled into Copenhagen quite nicely, but I was able to sleep in today!!! I had pretty much forgotten what that has felt like. The past few days have involved nothing exciting, except snow and tons of it. Bus and other transportation delays all over the place. Thankfully none of which affected me! I am preparing to go on my short study tour to western Denmark to see Odense (again) and Ã…rhus (the second largest city in Denmark). Only this time from an immigrants perspective. I am not sure exactly what this trip entails but I am sure it will be exciting. I also heard from my visiting family today, who I hope to be able to see when I get back from my short study tour. Thats all for now I think. Julie and I are going to head into the city for a little while, at least until the sun sets or the weather gets bad, which ever one comes first.

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